Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps.

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps.

eGrabber TouchPoint helps you get inbound / incoming leads, connections and inquiries.

  • You get more people looking back at you
  • You get more people wanting to connect with you
  • You get more people responding to your connection requests /  messages


How do I know if my TouchPoint plan is working?

Watch the progress on this chart… this is the Performance chart of our CEO who uses TouchPoint everyday. He has setup TouchPoint to visit 600 people a day. He spends 5 minutes a day on TouchPoint.

Everyday, he gets:

  • 4+ qualified prospects
  • 10+ connection requests
  • 10+ inquiry in-mails / e-mails / conversations

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps. 1

For comparison, here is the chart of a rookie who just started using TouchPoint.

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps. 2


How do I get to this Performance Chart?

In the toolbar, click the “Dashboard” button. This will take you to a browser tab. Inside the tab, click the “Performance” link to get the chart.

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps. 3



What amazing stuff can you do with the Performance Tab?

How many Greens and Blues do you have?

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps. 4The green icon in the dashboard means that you have visited that person using a campaign and that person has visited you back. You should look at a green icon as a sign of success.

The blue double tick icon is a sign of greater success. This means you are now connected and become a first degree connection of this person.


Get their Verified Business Email Address

This is an eGrabber exclusive feature!

Click the Find Email button to get their direct business email address. LinkedIn does not give you their business email address. But eGrabber does!

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps. 5


Export the list of Visit Backs / People who Viewed you Back

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps. 6



Search the list of Who Viewed you Back

Search for CEO’s,… people from a Region,… people from an Industry….

Measuring RESULTS: How to know when you are successful, and how the Performance tab helps. 7

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