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Category: Staffing and Recruiting

Scale your Agency (Big & Small): The Fastest Way to Get New Recruitment Leads

Scale your Agency (Big & Small): The Fastest Way to Get New Recruitment Leads

In the competitive world of recruitment, finding new recruitment leads is a constant challenge. Whether you’re a one-person operation or part of a larger sales team, the struggle is real. But what if you had a tool that could make this recruitment lead generation process easier? Introducing JobGrabber, a game-changer for US recruitment agencies of all sizes.

Get New Recruitment Leads for your Agency in no Time!

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Challenges of Finding New Recruitment Leads

For a one-person company, the challenges are many. Time is a precious commodity, and balancing recruitment lead generation with other tasks can be overwhelming. You need to identify potential recruitment leads, reach out to them, follow up, and maintain relationships, all while managing your current clients.

For a team of sales professionals, the challenges are different but no less daunting. Coordinating efforts, avoiding overlap, and ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals can be complex. Plus, there’s the added pressure of competition, both within the team and with other agencies.

Introducing JobGrabber

JobGrabber is a tool designed to help recruitment companies find new recruitment leads. It identifies your first potential client in 15 minutes! It’s perfect for both one-person operation and larger sales teams.

For a one-person operation, JobGrabber will streamline the recruitment lead generation process, allowing you to focus on reaching out and building relationships. With JobGrabber, you can work smarter, not harder.

For your team of sales or full-desk recruiters, JobGrabber offers a coordinated approach to finding new recruitment leads. It ensures everyone is working from the same information, reducing overlap and increasing efficiency. Plus, it fosters a collaborative environment, where the success of one is the success of all.

find new recruitment leads

Why Choose JobGrabber?

JobGrabber, an efficient & time-saving solution, is tailored for recruiting companies of all sizes. With JobGrabber, say goodbye to spending endless hours on the internet scouting for companies that are hiring or engaging in lengthy interviews to unearth hiring manager details. This web-based software leverages the most popular Job Boards and LinkedIn, and gets you the list of companies that are hiring for specific skill sets in no time.

As a sales or business development professional for your recruiting agency, your best time is spent talking to decision-makers behind job ads. JobGrabber ensures you don’t miss out on new opportunities by quickly analyzing job postings and presenting relevant companies. JobGrabber offers access to decision-maker names along with business contact information in companies that are hiring.

JobGrabber quickly eliminates duplicates by comparing newly posted job posts with those seen earlier and provides you the list of unique as well as your existing customer companies that are actively hiring.

JobGrabber works with various job boards, simplifying your search process. With JobGrabber, you can reach out to your potential recruitment leads in no time.

JobGrabber is more than just a tool; it’s a solution to the challenges faced by US recruitment agencies in their quest for new recruitment leads. It is intuitive and user-friendly, designed for anyone to master.


  • Time-efficient recruitment lead generation without extensive internet searches
  • Instant access to decision maker names and their contact details
  • Ideal for full desk recruiters balancing candidate and client sourcing
  • Streamlined and effective, maximizing productivity without the exhaustive legwork

Whether you’re a single person operation or you are part of a larger team, JobGrabber can help you overcome the challenges and succeed in the competitive world of recruitment.

So why wait?

Give JobGrabber a try and see the difference it can make in your recruitment lead generation efforts.

Remember, in the world of recruitment, every potential recruitment lead is a step towards success.

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How Staffing & Outsourcing Firms can quickly Fix the Blind Spots & Win More Clients

How Staffing & Outsourcing Firms can quickly Fix the Blind Spots & Win More Clients

Even established Staffing & Outsourcing companies lose business to competitors because of this blind spot. But, you can fix it in no time & win more clients.

Let’s assume the situation goes like this:
Mary’s (staffing business Owner) best friend is John (startup founder) known for 5+ years. John’s company is growing & hiring like hell, but the job orders are outsourced to Mary’s competitors and not Mary. Here’s why..

There is a huge blind spot here:

  • John’s team is hiring and not John.
  • John’s team doesn’t know the CEO’s friend Mary can do the job.
  • AND Mary’s team doesn’t know her best friend John is hiring.

This is where companies lose their business to their competitors. This is where a tool such as JobGrabber can be handy for staffing & outsourcing companies list.

Fastest Way to Win More Clients

JobGrabber helps Mary solve this problem in no time. JobGrabber flags all the companies in Mary’s network that are hiring roles their company can fill.

know who in your network is hiring & win more clients

JobGrabber correlates job postings on popular Job-Boards with LinkedIn and CRM/Excel connections.

JobGrabber enables any salesperson in a staffing/outsourcing company to flag job postings where there is an existing connection to any employee at the hiring company. The contact could be through network or CRM.

JobGrabber is a new and faster way for salespeople to get new clients and job-orders

JobGrabber helps salespeople to leverage the network of their founders and CXO’s to find entry into job openings.

JobGrabber enables business owners to leverage their relationships to win more clients & for faster growth.

Want to know more about Staffing Agency? Click here: Staffing Agency Leads

Job Board Scraper: How to Easily & Effortlessly Scrape Job Postings from Job Boards!

Job Board Scraper: How to Easily & Effortlessly Scrape Job Postings from Job Boards!

A job board is a place where tens and thousands of candidates visit every day. Why? It is the place where companies post their job ads or job openings. Therefore, to find jobs, candidates come in and because more candidates visit job boards, companies post their job openings. Therefore, the companies that post job ads are potential clients for staffing & recruiting agencies and other individual recruiters. This blog post will help you to learn how job board scrapers help you to easily & effortlessly scrape job postings from job boards.

Why scrape job postings from job boards

As said earlier, job boards such as Indeed, Monster, Dice, CareerBuilder and SimplyHired are some of the major sources to get clients for staffing and recruiting agencies. Companies that want to hire, post job openings on job boards and LinkedIn. Typically they don’t stick to one specific job board, but post on almost all popular job boards.

Therefore, the same company posts the same job openings on multiple job boards. In addition, companies also post job openings for different locations and different technology, skill set, experience, and so on.

So, a single company might have hundreds of job postings on the job boards. Similarly, different companies post job openings on job boards. You need to scrape job postings from job boards to build a list of companies who are hiring. This list is very vital for staffing & recruiting firms and recruiters because they are their potential clients who can give them job orders and increase revenue.

#1 Job Board Scraper to Scrape Job Postings & Find New Clients

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Job Board Scraping Challenges (Manual)

If a recruiter or a staffing agency wants to find new clients from job boards, they have to manually search and sift through hundreds of job postings. Since there are multiple job postings from the same company across different job boards, you will have to list companies based on various criteria (position title, location, skill set, experience, etc.) identify the duplicates and build a list of unique companies that are hiring. You have to repeat this process for every company.

Another challenge is, staffing companies also post job openings on job boards. You will have to identify and remove those staffing companies from that list as well.

Most importantly, you will have to do all the above processes quickly. Delay in any one of the areas might end up in you losing your opportunity. Your competitor might have grabbed that opportunity and the job opening would have been closed. Therefore, you need to be fast.

But sadly, all the above processes take around 5-7 days if it is done manually. It is a huge amount of time considering the fierce competition in the staffing and recruiting industry.

Job Board Scraping Methods

There are many job board scraping methods. Some companies do them in-house, some hire job board scraping services, and some companies use job board scraper tools. There are a lot of pros & cons in each one of these methods. Let’s see how these job board scraping methods are beneficial.

In-House Job Board Scraping Team

Job board scraping cannot be done by anyone and everyone. It requires a lot of technical skills. You will have to be an expert in coding/scripts and other tech stuff to scrape job postings successfully. If you want to set up an in-house job board scraping team, you will have to hire the required resources with the appropriate skill set. You will also need to take care of the servers, data storage, and transfer, etc.

Also, you will have to be very careful with the legality issues as some job boards, portals or websites will have strict terms of service that prevents web scraping. Other challenges of having an in-house job board scraping team are, you need to build the infrastructure, hire the right people, invest in technology and you will have to both pay a lot in terms of investment and maintenance (updating the scripts when website layout changes periodically).  


  • You have the control over the scraping process.
  • Eliminate communication gaps/issues since it is in house.


  • Invest time & resources to hire people & set up infrastructure.
  • Involves periodic maintenance – updating technology/workflows.
  • Prone for legal issues.

Job Board Scraping Services

There are some web scraping companies that offer job board scraping services. They do the job board scraping for you and provide you with the data in a specified format. You will be charged based on the data you ask for. Though this method seems to be easy to get the list of companies that are hiring, the cost is very high. You will have to shell out more than a couple of thousand dollars for each project. Again, whenever you send them a new request, you will have to wait for a week to 10 days for your order to get processed. This may pose a risk of losing your client.


  • You don’t need to get your hands dirty.
  • You get your data based on your requirements.
  • No legal risks.


  • Highly expensive for development & maintenance.
  • Takes more time for each project (development).

Using a Job Board Scraper Tool

Job board scraper tools help you to automate job board scraping without spending too much time & money, and without having any risks. Tools such as indeed job scraper and LinkedIn job scraper helps you to scrape LinkedIn job postings and from job boards. The major benefit of job scraper tools is, even a non-technical person (a person who doesn’t know coding/programming) can use the tool. These job board scraper tools are very cost-effective and can help you scrape job postings in no time and get you the list of potential clients.  


  • You hold the control of the process.
  • User friendly – Even a person who doesn’t have any technical knowledge can use it.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Instant results.
  • Zero maintenance.


You need to invest some time to learn how to use the tool.

One-Click Job Board Scraper for Staffing & Recruiting Firms

JobGrabber is a one-click automated job board scraper designed exclusively for staffing & recruiting companies and individual recruiters to get new clients in a single click. With a click of a button, you get the list of companies that are hiring. You don’t need to waste countless hours on the Internet gathering & sorting companies and eliminating duplicates. It enables you to scrape job postings from job boards and scrape LinkedIn job postings in no time.

The job board scraper intelligently eliminates duplicates and staffing agencies from the list and gives you only the list of direct clients (companies that are hiring).

What’s more?

Job boards typically will not provide the industry, company size, the number of job postings from each company, etc. You will also not know if any of your existing clients have posted job openings. JobGrabber helps you to get more information & insights than job boards.

JobGrabber gives you all that information in a single click. The job board scraper helps you to instantly get the list of decision makers in companies that are hiring. You can reach out to them via LinkedIn.

JobGrabber is an automated job board scraper that helps you to easily & effortlessly scrape job postings from the most popular job boards such as Indeed, Dice, Monster, SimplyHired, CareerBuilder & LinkedIn, and quickly get new clients for your staffing and recruiting company in the most cost-effective way.

What are you waiting for?

3 Effective Ways to Find New Clients & Get Job Orders

3 Effective Ways to Find New Clients & Get Job Orders

Finding new clients is one of the key elements of growth for any business. This holds true for staffing & recruiting firms as well. You cannot rely on just a few clients. You never know what the future will be like. Therefore, it is important for recruiters to find new clients and get job orders. It helps you to grow your business and increase your revenue.

Recruiters use many channels to look for new business. But, here are some of the most effective ways to find new clients & get job orders:

Fastest Way to Find New Clients & Get Job Orders

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find new clients & get job orders

1. Leverage Job Boards

Job boards are one of the best sources to find new clients & get job orders. Companies post job openings on job boards. You need to constantly look for these job postings to find companies that are hiring now. You need to build a list of companies that are hiring and you need to segment that list based on industry, technology, location, experience, and many more criteria base on your experience and expertise.

There are some specific job boards where you can find companies belonging to a specific industry or niche segment. It can help you find clients if you are specialized in that area.

Once you build your list, find the decision makers or hiring managers in those companies. Get their business contact information and then reach out to them. It involves a great amount of time & effort to find new clients. But, reaching out to your clients with the right message at the right time can help you win clients.

2. Make the most of Social Media

Social media has revolutionized a lot of things in our lives personally and professionally. It has also impacted the recruiting & staffing industry to a great extent. Social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter can help you to not only recruit but also to find potential clients.      

Following targeted companies on social networking sites can help you know the company updates. You can also try connecting with key decision makers in your target companies. Learn to use the power of social networking and make the most of social media to find new clients for your recruiting business. 

3. Get Referrals from Happy Clients

This is one of the most powerful & effective ways to get new clients. Client testimonials from happy customers can help you win more clients. We all look for reviews and recommendations if you want to buy something. Companies too want to ensure that they give the job orders to the best in the industry. Especially, when they want to hire people for mission-critical projects or top decision-making or C-level positions, they will certainly look for testimonials. Referrals from reputed companies increase your credibility and value.

Find New Clients & Get Job Orders in no Time!

All of the above methods or channels will certainly help you to get more clients & job orders. But each one has a method and each one takes its own time. You will have to put in a lot of time and resources to work on all those channels.

But, there is a way where you can get new clients & increase job orders in no time. Yes, JobGrabber helps you to do that with a click of a button!

Couldn’t believe it? You have to. With just a click of a button, you get the list of potential new clients. It also gives you the list of decision makers in those companies along with their business contact information.

What else do you need?

What takes you weeks is now done in just 15-20 minutes.

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How to Get Clients for Staffing Agency: Win Job Orders Easily & Effortlessly

How to Get Clients for Staffing Agency: Win Job Orders Easily & Effortlessly

One of the best ways to grow your staffing agency is to win more clients & increase job orders. Yes, only when you get new clients, you will get new job orders. However, getting new clients for staffing & recruiting firms is not easy. This blog post will help you to learn how to get clients for staffing agency & get job orders easily & effortlessly, and much faster than before.

The Fastest Way to Get New Staffing Clients & Job Orders

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How to get Clients for Staffing Agency Manually

Job boards are the go-to places to look for new clients. Almost everyone, including the experts in the staffing & recruiting domain, suggests that. However, the fact is that job boards are not built for prospecting new clients or job order prospecting; they are only for candidates. You might be shocked to know that but that is the truth.  

Yes, it is true that companies post job openings on job boards. But, there are many missing information that are very important to find new clients for your staffing agency. You may not get information such as company size or industry on job boards.

When companies post job openings, they do post in multiple job boards. They might also post job openings for multiple locations. So, you will find multiple job postings from the same company. This eventually leads to duplicates and you might not know which companies are your existing clients.

If you want to manually build a list of potential clients for your staffing company, you will have to manually sift through hundreds of job openings from job boards. You will have to identify the duplicates and eliminate them. Some staffing agencies also will post job openings on job boards. You will have to identify those staffing agencies as well and eliminate them. It will take you around 2-7 days to do all the hard work to build a list of potential staffing clients.

How to get clients for staffing agency
Image by freepik

How to Get Clients for Staffing Agency in 15-30 Minutes!

This is where smart people use technology to their advantage. It takes only 15-30 minutes to build a list of potential new clients for staffing agencies. JobGrabber is a tool for staffing & recruiting firms that helps you to build a list of new clients from job boards in no time.

JobGrabber analyzes hundreds of job postings and helps you get clients for staffing agencies instantly. All you have to do is:

  • Perform a search on job boards that shows up potential client companies.
  • Click on JobGrabber
  • JobGrabber instantly gives you the list of new clients for your staffing agency.

Just download the list of staffing clients in Excel format and start reaching out to them.

Get New Clients in a Click & Increase Job Orders

JobGrabber helps you to get clients for staffing agency in a click. JobGrabber instantly gives you the list of decision makers from companies that are hiring. It gives you the LinkedIn search link of people from companies that match your ideal customer profile. You can quickly know people that are connected to you and reach out to those decision makers. You can also share the list with your colleagues in your company to work on the list.

JobGrabber Benefits:

  • JobGrabber works across different job boards.
  • JobGrabber automatically flips through hundreds of web pages on your job board search result. You don’t have to manually click the next button to navigate to the next page.
  • JobGrabber eliminates duplicate companies from your list.
  • Provides you Industry & Employee Size for potential new clients.
  • Identifies staffing companies and provides you in a separate list.
  • Lets you know your existing clients if they are hiring now.
  • Gives you LinkedIn research link
  • Provides decision makers for companies that are hiring along with name, title, business email address & phone.

JobGrabber is the fastest way to get clients for staffing agency & increase job orders. You don’t have to manually spend hours or days. With just a click of a button, you can get the list of new staffing clients. Whether you are a third-party recruiter or staffing/recruiting agency, JobGrabber does the work for you to generate staffing leads.

What are you waiting for? Get Clients for your Staffing Agency in no time!

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How To Find Clients for Staffing Agency

How To Find Clients for Staffing Agency

How to find clients for staffing agency? The most important factor in a company is the clients. Whether your business is a large enterprise or a small to medium size one that’s just growing, the people that you work with are absolutely important.

One of the major challenges for a staffing agency is manifesting a lasting reputation. It is vital that you have the right client on-board as right clients are the key to the future of your business, establishing a lasting reputation.

Find Clients for Staffing Agencies in no Time!

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Why Staffing Agency Lead Generation is Essential to Grow your Business

Lead generation is a process that initiates each buyer’s journey helping you find potential prospects. It transforms those prospects into valued customers down the line. So, having a lead generation strategy is very essential to you and the growth of your business.

Different business needs for a staffing agency include finding new clients, dealing with existing clients, and approaching past clients are addressed through lead generation. Attracting new clients always remains to be the top priority among the marketing team.

Generating new staffing leads helps you reach out to as many prospects as you want, generating more traffic which may lead to the conversion of such leads into customers. This helps to increase conversion rates which in turn produces huge profits for your business.

how to find clients for staffing agency

How to Find Clients for Staffing Agency – in 4 Ways

There are several marketing activities such as direct marketing, content production, events, advertising, internal marketing, and branding that build the interest of your target audience over your website.

Some of the lead generation services to find clients for a staffing agency are:

  • Email
  • Social Media and
  • Direct Mail
  • Job boards

Staffing agencies’ lead generation needs a focused approach to find clients faster. We at eGrabber have solutions that will help you find a unique lead source to generate staffing agency leads. These sales leads you generate through our product can’t be purchased from any other source.

We help you get special access to companies that are expanding their sales and marketing teams. We have proven methods through which you can target your low-hanging prospects easily. We have tools and dedicated resources that fetch you leads from a unique lead source to facilitate hiring.

Our solutions will help you access the right talent and find suitable candidates more easily. You can hire faster and more accurately using eGrabber solutions.

Don’t worry about how to find clients for staffing agency, get access to the leads list today.

Sales Leads for Staffing & Recruitment Agencies

If you are looking for new clients for your outsourcing business, then you should check out JobGrabber. JobGrabber helps you to get new clients for your IT outsourcing business in a click. The tool makes Lead Generation for Outsourcing Companies a breeze.

With a click of a button, you can get the list of companies hiring offshore developers, eliminate duplicates and gets you the list of CXOs in hiring companies along with their verified business email and phone. You can reach out to the CXOs in no time and get new clients faster.