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Category: Sales Prospecting

Sales Prospecting: How to Boost Motivation & Exceed Sales Quotas

Sales Prospecting: How to Boost Motivation & Exceed Sales Quotas

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” –Confucius

The above quote is 100% true and it holds true for sales prospecting as well. More than 60% of the organizations say that sales motivation is one of their major challenges. Companies are struggling to motivate sales people and maintain their sales energy at the required levels to bring success. A lot of sales reps are even averse to sales prospecting.

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Why do SDRs lack motivation for Sales Prospecting?

Here are some of the reasons that were attributed to lack of motivation:

  1. Sales Prospecting – Time-Consuming and Tedious – The very act of prospecting itself is a deterrent. The main reason is, it consumes a substantial amount of time and effort on the part of sales representatives. You need to dig through the Internet, various company websites, online foot prints to prospect for sales. SDRs, with lots of things on hand, are unable to spend countless hours on sales prospecting. However, the fact is that sales reps cannot renounce prospecting because you will not have anyone to sell if you do not prospect for sales.
  • Finding Decision Makers is a Daunting Task– Prospecting for sales is nothing but finding the right prospects – in other words, identifying and reaching out to decision makers who have the authority to decide to buy your product or service. But, it is not easy. You will have to spend a lot of time finding them. The task does not end there. Typically, decision makers are well guarded by gate keepers. You will have to either go through them or bypass them or somehow reach them. Finding decision makers business email address & phone number is even worse You can’t find them easily on the Internet. You need to have expert Internet research skills to get a few of them.
  • Giving up Too Early – If you are a sales rep, you would have experienced this very much. You will agree that not all of your prospects respond back to your emails promptly. Perhaps your email might have got lost in your prospects’ inbox or your prospect might have been swamped with something else or your prospect does not feel it is necessary for their business right now or someone might have to make a decision jointly and so on. In short, your prospects are non responsive. A vast majority of the sales reps give up quickly. They don’t want to follow up again.

Also, sales prospecting challenges such as lack of prospect research, personalization, targeting the wrong prospects might not get you the desired prospecting results. Therefore, frustration seeps in, you feel like you are a failure and eventually motivation levels hit rock bottom.

However, successful sales reps think otherwise. They are highly motivated and always have a positive attitude, and go for the kill. They use the best practices for sales prospecting and the best sales prospecting tools to accelerate sales prospecting, book more qualified sales demos and make more sales conversions. The habit of winning frequently boosts their energy and they always want to win more & generate sales revenue.

Sales Prospecting Tool to Book 3x More Demos & Increase Conversions

sales prospecting

Using the right sales prospecting software can help sales reps ease their work, get their things done quickly, spend more time with the prospects and book more sales demos.

LeadGrabber Pro is one such tool for sales prospecting that helps sales reps to quickly find the right prospects who are likely to purchase your product or service. The built-in patented technology in LeadGrabber Pro helps you to find your customer s 10x faster than experts.

LeadGrabber Pro is designed exclusively for sales development reps, business development professionals and lead generation teams & companies to speed up sales prospecting, book more qualified demos and make more conversions.

With LeadGrabber Pro, sales prospecting is a breeze. You can automate sales prospecting and get your targeted prospect list every single day in your inbox. You don’t need to spend your precious time to prospect for sales. You will have all the time you need to spend on other important tasks that requires your attention.

What’s more? LeadGrabber Pro offers you more than 50+ sales prospecting ways to get your customers 10x faster. The sales prospecting tool also offers you ways to find the high-probability prospects that you will not get anywhere.

LeadGrabber Pro makes your sales prospecting process easy, boosts motivation and enables you to exceed your sales quota.

The sales prospecting tool helps you to:

  1. Identify and build fresh prospect lists (decision makers) from any industry in no time.
  2. Quickly build CXO prospect lists along with verified business email & phone.
  3. Helps you to find High-Converting prospects from Events & Groups.
  4. Get your prospects’ coworker email address for free (only LeadGrabber Pro provides hundreds of coworker emails for free)
  5. Provides you 50+ ways to prospect for sales.
  6. Automate Sales Prospecting.
  7. Spend more time on calling prospects & booking sales demos.

Fill in the form & Download LeadGrabber Pro Now!

How to Leverage your LinkedIn Company Page like Experts

How to Leverage your LinkedIn Company Page like Experts

Your LinkedIn Company Page is the face of your company on LinkedIn. Be it your prospective client or employee, if they want to know about who you are and what you do, they immediately search for your LinkedIn company page. Your LinkedIn page is also a perfect place to interact & engage with your audience.

LinkedIn company pages enable you to post & share information in various forms that interest your audience. It also helps you to know your audience & grow your followers as well. Therefore, it is essential for any business to create a LinkedIn company page.   

Speed Up LinkedIn Prospecting & Get Potential Leads in no time!

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linkedin company pages

LinkedIn Company Page Setup- Basics

Here are some of the basic things that you should do if you want to make the most out of your LinkedIn company page.

  • Ensure that your LinkedIn page has all the relevant information; in other words, your LinkedIn company page should be complete with your logo, cover image, company overview, website address, industry, company size, etc. Please ensure that your images meet the LinkedIn company page image size specifications.
  • Update your LinkedIn company page regularly. Statistics reveal that companies that post content on a weekly basis get 2x more engagement rates than companies that do not post every week. Make sure you post information that is useful, interesting & relevant to your audience.
  • Your LinkedIn company page becomes a powerful tool, once you start getting a good number of followers. The more the number of followers, the more will be your reach. Use the LinkedIn follow button on your website to get more followers to your LinkedIn company page.

LinkedIn Company Page Best Practices

Here are some of the LinkedIn company page best practices that will help you to leverage LinkedIn pages like experts:

  • Use Images – Images easily grabs the attention of your audience than plain text. Use custom images that are relevant. It helps you to increase your engagement rates.
  • Create & Post Native Videos – Videos gets you 5x more engagement rates. Post videos that are short & easily consumable. It is okay even if it is just a video without audio. If you are looking to use your LinkedIn company page for branding, make your company leaders feature in the videos.
  • Digital Magazines & e-Books – PDF-based content & Power Point presentations work well on your LinkedIn company page. It can help your audience view them on LinkedIn. Posting research based insights and interesting information including blog posts can grab the attention of your prospects.  
  • Post Videos Featuring your Employees – If you are looking to attract top talent, post videos of your employees speaking about the company culture, their success stories on your LinkedIn Career Pages. This would really paint a picture of what a prospective candidate would experience if she joins your company.
  • Leverage Hash tags – Using relevant hash tags on your LinkedIn company page will help you to reach the relevant audience. Search for hash tags on LinkedIn and choose the ones that are relevant for your company, industry, tool, post, etc. You can also reach more people by boosting or promoting your posts via LinkedIn ads.
  • Useful & Relevant Content – If you want to use your LinkedIn company page to grab your target audience’s attention, ensure that you post content that is useful and relevant to them. You will naturally get more LinkedIn company page followers if your content helps your audience to solve their problems. You get to earn their trust; more importantly, they might share & recommend to other people as well.
  • Celebrate Success Stories – Celebrating success on LinkedIn pages also helps you a great deal. Corporate wins including deals & acquisitions, achieving specific milestones & celebrating birthdays & anniversaries will help you position your company better, especially in the people front.  
  • Promote Events & CSR Initiatives – Some companies are very much determined to give back to the society. If you are one, you can let your audience know about the events & initiatives you are involved in on your LinkedIn company page. You might get like-minded people appreciating that or maybe you might get new followers or connections that are interested & are willing to collaborate.
  • Address Industry-related Issues – Share information & solutions for industry-related issues on a regular basis. Videos, blog posts and industry-related events can help you increase awareness about the problems and the solutions that they have at hand.
  • Post Content in Multiple Formats – If you are running a podcast, your LinkedIn company page is one of the best places to promote it. In addition, you can promote your content in multiple formats. Your audience can choose the way they wish to consume.
  • Get your Audience’s Pulse – Posting questions & polls on your LinkedIn page can help you garner your prospects’ interests. It promotes engagement to a great extent. You get to know their ideas & opinions and sometimes you can get to know about their likes & preferences. You can tailor your content based on that. You can also know the latest trending topics & articles your target audience is engaging on LinkedIn and share them on your LinkedIn page.
  • Stay on Top of Mind – Pinning your best content at the top of your page will help you garner more likes, comments & shares from your audience. You can use that to your advantage for promoting new products/features, hunting new talent and so on.

The above tips will help you to leverage your LinkedIn company page like experts!

Speed up LinkedIn Prospecting with LeadGrabber Pro & Generate Leads in no Time.

Fill in the form & Download LeadGrabber Pro Now!

Job Board Scraper: How to Easily & Effortlessly Scrape Job Postings from Job Boards!

Job Board Scraper: How to Easily & Effortlessly Scrape Job Postings from Job Boards!

A job board is a place where tens and thousands of candidates visit every day. Why? It is the place where companies post their job ads or job openings. Therefore, to find jobs, candidates come in and because more candidates visit job boards, companies post their job openings. Therefore, the companies that post job ads are potential clients for staffing & recruiting agencies and other individual recruiters. This blog post will help you to learn how job board scrapers help you to easily & effortlessly scrape job postings from job boards.

Why scrape job postings from job boards

As said earlier, job boards such as Indeed, Monster, Dice, CareerBuilder and SimplyHired are some of the major sources to get clients for staffing and recruiting agencies. Companies that want to hire, post job openings on job boards and LinkedIn. Typically they don’t stick to one specific job board, but post on almost all popular job boards.

Therefore, the same company posts the same job openings on multiple job boards. In addition, companies also post job openings for different locations and different technology, skill set, experience, and so on.

So, a single company might have hundreds of job postings on the job boards. Similarly, different companies post job openings on job boards. You need to scrape job postings from job boards to build a list of companies who are hiring. This list is very vital for staffing & recruiting firms and recruiters because they are their potential clients who can give them job orders and increase revenue.

#1 Job Board Scraper to Scrape Job Postings & Find New Clients

Sign up for a Demo & Get your Sample List for Free

Job Board Scraping Challenges (Manual)

If a recruiter or a staffing agency wants to find new clients from job boards, they have to manually search and sift through hundreds of job postings. Since there are multiple job postings from the same company across different job boards, you will have to list companies based on various criteria (position title, location, skill set, experience, etc.) identify the duplicates and build a list of unique companies that are hiring. You have to repeat this process for every company.

Another challenge is, staffing companies also post job openings on job boards. You will have to identify and remove those staffing companies from that list as well.

Most importantly, you will have to do all the above processes quickly. Delay in any one of the areas might end up in you losing your opportunity. Your competitor might have grabbed that opportunity and the job opening would have been closed. Therefore, you need to be fast.

But sadly, all the above processes take around 5-7 days if it is done manually. It is a huge amount of time considering the fierce competition in the staffing and recruiting industry.

Job Board Scraping Methods

There are many job board scraping methods. Some companies do them in-house, some hire job board scraping services, and some companies use job board scraper tools. There are a lot of pros & cons in each one of these methods. Let’s see how these job board scraping methods are beneficial.

In-House Job Board Scraping Team

Job board scraping cannot be done by anyone and everyone. It requires a lot of technical skills. You will have to be an expert in coding/scripts and other tech stuff to scrape job postings successfully. If you want to set up an in-house job board scraping team, you will have to hire the required resources with the appropriate skill set. You will also need to take care of the servers, data storage, and transfer, etc.

Also, you will have to be very careful with the legality issues as some job boards, portals or websites will have strict terms of service that prevents web scraping. Other challenges of having an in-house job board scraping team are, you need to build the infrastructure, hire the right people, invest in technology and you will have to both pay a lot in terms of investment and maintenance (updating the scripts when website layout changes periodically).  


  • You have the control over the scraping process.
  • Eliminate communication gaps/issues since it is in house.


  • Invest time & resources to hire people & set up infrastructure.
  • Involves periodic maintenance – updating technology/workflows.
  • Prone for legal issues.

Job Board Scraping Services

There are some web scraping companies that offer job board scraping services. They do the job board scraping for you and provide you with the data in a specified format. You will be charged based on the data you ask for. Though this method seems to be easy to get the list of companies that are hiring, the cost is very high. You will have to shell out more than a couple of thousand dollars for each project. Again, whenever you send them a new request, you will have to wait for a week to 10 days for your order to get processed. This may pose a risk of losing your client.


  • You don’t need to get your hands dirty.
  • You get your data based on your requirements.
  • No legal risks.


  • Highly expensive for development & maintenance.
  • Takes more time for each project (development).

Using a Job Board Scraper Tool

Job board scraper tools help you to automate job board scraping without spending too much time & money, and without having any risks. Tools such as indeed job scraper and LinkedIn job scraper helps you to scrape LinkedIn job postings and from job boards. The major benefit of job scraper tools is, even a non-technical person (a person who doesn’t know coding/programming) can use the tool. These job board scraper tools are very cost-effective and can help you scrape job postings in no time and get you the list of potential clients.  


  • You hold the control of the process.
  • User friendly – Even a person who doesn’t have any technical knowledge can use it.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Instant results.
  • Zero maintenance.


You need to invest some time to learn how to use the tool.

One-Click Job Board Scraper for Staffing & Recruiting Firms

JobGrabber is a one-click automated job board scraper designed exclusively for staffing & recruiting companies and individual recruiters to get new clients in a single click. With a click of a button, you get the list of companies that are hiring. You don’t need to waste countless hours on the Internet gathering & sorting companies and eliminating duplicates. It enables you to scrape job postings from job boards and scrape LinkedIn job postings in no time.

The job board scraper intelligently eliminates duplicates and staffing agencies from the list and gives you only the list of direct clients (companies that are hiring).

What’s more?

Job boards typically will not provide the industry, company size, the number of job postings from each company, etc. You will also not know if any of your existing clients have posted job openings. JobGrabber helps you to get more information & insights than job boards.

JobGrabber gives you all that information in a single click. The job board scraper helps you to instantly get the list of decision makers in companies that are hiring. You can reach out to them via LinkedIn.

JobGrabber is an automated job board scraper that helps you to easily & effortlessly scrape job postings from the most popular job boards such as Indeed, Dice, Monster, SimplyHired, CareerBuilder & LinkedIn, and quickly get new clients for your staffing and recruiting company in the most cost-effective way.

What are you waiting for?

Sales Prospecting Made Easy: Get 500 Leads Every Day that are More likely to Buy!

Sales Prospecting Made Easy: Get 500 Leads Every Day that are More likely to Buy!

Sales prospecting is the key for any business to sustain and grow. It helps you to find new prospects who are likely to buy your product or service. However, prospecting for sales leads, in general, doesn’t yield you much results. But, on the other hand, if you prospect for high-converting sales leads, you will be able to see the difference. You reach out to the right prospects that are more likely to buy your product. Therefore, prospecting for high-converting sales leads is the key to success.

Get 500 Qualified Leads Every Day in your Inbox!

Sales Prospecting Challenges

Typically, sales prospecting is tedious & time consuming. Sales reps spend about 30-40% of their time finding the prospects along with their contact information and reaching out to them. However, they are still not successful in booking demos. Most of the time, they look for sales leads at the wrong places or they are not able to find the right prospects. Finding business contact information for prospects, especially key decision makers, is much more difficult. It saps their energy, frustrates them to the core, and because of this, a lot of sales reps hate prospecting.

What Smart Sales Reps Do

But you don’t have a choice. Sales prospecting is essential & inevitable for you to stay alive in your business. This is where successful sales reps do what most of the sales reps don’t do. They use technology to its fullest potential and become top performers. They use sales prospecting software to prospect for high-converting leads in no time. It helps them to spend a lot of time reaching out to prospects rather than finding them.

Sales Prospecting Made Easy & Effortless!

LeadGrabber Pro is a sales prospecting software designed for sales development reps and lead generation teams. The sales prospecting software helps you to find high-converting prospects from online directories, social & professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, and other online sources.

The sales prospecting software helps you to find hard-to-find business email addresses and phone numbers of your prospects (decision makers) and enables you to quickly reach out to them. What’s more?

sales prospecting software

Automate Sales Prospecting: Get 500 High-Converting Leads Every Day!

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to automate the entire process. All you need to do is set it up once and start running the tool. The sales prospecting software automatically runs the tool for you. It finds high-converting prospects based on your criteria, automatically finds business email addresses & phone numbers, and then emails you the prospect list.

Sales Prospecting on Auto Pilot Mode!

You get a list of high-converting prospect list on your email every single day without any manual intervention.

Yes, you don’t have to monitor or supervise it. LeadGrabber Pro does that for you. Just download your prospect list and start reaching out to your prospects, book more demos and increase sales conversions.

LeadGrabber Pro helps sales reps to

  • Automate Sales Prospecting. Get 500 high-converting sales leads on your email every single day! You don’t have to manually intervene.
  • Build High-Converting Prospect Lists 20x faster than experts. You don’t need to spend countless hours on the Internet to search & research. LeadGrabber Pro does that for you. Get 500 leads every day that are more likely to buy.
  • Find Business Email Addresses & Phone in Seconds. Prospects prefer to communicate via business emails rather than personal emails. But finding business emails of prospects, especially decision makers, is not an easy task. LeadGrabber Pro helps you to get verified business email addresses & phone numbers of your prospects in seconds.   
  • Get Coworker Emails for Free. You can reach your prospects’ coworkers to increase engagement rates & sales conversions. You can now reach multiple contacts in your targeted accounts with hundreds of coworker and company emails that you get it for free.
  • Find New Customers Faster than Competitors. LeadGrabber Pro helps you to find recently promoted & hired decision makers from social media. You can build your own exclusive list from social media groups & events that you can’t find with list vendors.
  • Export to CRM in a Click. You can seamlessly transfer your leads to your favorite CRMs such as, Act, Excel, Outlook, etc. in a single click.

What are you waiting for?

Download LeadGrabber Pro Now & Get 150 Leads for Free!

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool to Book More Demos & Increase Sales

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool to Book More Demos & Increase Sales

Sales prospecting is one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks for B2B companies. Most of the sales & marketing professionals say that sales prospecting is the most challenging stage in their sales process. But, you don’t have a choice and you can’t afford to ignore it. Yes, without an audience whom will you reach out to sell your products & services? Therefore, you have to identify ways to find your targeted prospects and reach out to them. This blog post will help you to easily & effortlessly find your ideal customers and build your prospect list along with verified business contact information in less time.

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool to Book More Demos & Increase Sales

Get your Free Trial Today!

sales prospecting tool to book more demos & increase sales

Sales Prospecting Methods & Challenges

B2B companies employ various sales prospecting strategies & methods. You don’t have a one-size-fits-all strategy. You need to try out various prospecting methods and choose the best prospecting method that works well for you. Remember, what works for you today might not work after a couple of years. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor and try out different methods to prospect for sales.

Buying lists from vendors is one of the ways to get a list of prospects. It is quick & expensive but unfortunately, it doesn’t provide the desired results. Why because list vendors have readymade lists. The lists that you purchase may or may not have your target audience. Sometimes you spend a lot of money on the list to get only a very few ideal prospects. You cannot get customized prospect lists.  

All the marketing dollars that you spent goes in vain. Your competitor might also have purchased the same list and therefore you lose your competitive advantage as well.   Also, you need to remember the fact that data from readymade lists cannot be relied upon. Because they are stored in the database and studies reveal that 25% of the data in stored databases are outdated and obsolete. You can’t rely upon them.

Tedious & Time-Consuming

Top sales experts say that it is always better to build your own prospect lists. It provides you many benefits. But, it is not an easy job. You will have to encounter many challenges. To build a prospecting list, you need to manually visit hundreds of web pages, blogs, forums, portals, association websites, web directories, social & professional networking sites, etc. It takes a lot of time & resources.   

Missing Business Contact Information

Business contact information is very vital to reach out to your prospects. For example, say you have a list of potential prospects but they don’t have an email address or phone number. What is the use? Therefore It is important to build a list of targeted prospects along with business email addresses and phone.

Typically, you will not get the business email and phone number of your prospects, especially decision makers, on social & professional networking sites. So, you have to manually find them on the Internet. You have to spend countless hours on the Internet. This again is a tiresome & tedious task. The next challenge is to find out if those emails are valid. Again, you have to find various methods to verify emails. It eats up your selling time.

A vast majority of the sales & marketing professionals are encountering the above-mentioned challenges on a daily basis. That is why some of the reps hate sales prospecting. This is where a sales prospecting tool such as LeadGrabber Pro comes in handy for B2B businesses.

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool for Sales Reps & LeadGen Teams

Get your Free Trial Today!

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool for B2B Businesses

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to easily and effortlessly build B2B prospect lists from professional & social networking sites, company websites, portals, and other sources of B2B prospects. The sales prospecting tool enables you to append verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your prospects in a click.

Using LeadGrabber Pro, you can build targeted B2B prospect lists based on any industry, location, title, company size, etc. The sales prospecting tool takes care of your prospecting needs while you have all the time to reach & speak with your prospects and close more sales.  

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to find your ideal prospects & reach out to them in no time, book 3x more qualified demos and increase sales conversions.

Sales Prospecting Tool Benefits

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to:

  • Build targeted B2B prospect lists in no time
  • Append verified business email addresses with ease
  • Build fresh sales lead lists from any industry
  • Instantly transfer to Excel,, Outlook and other CRM
  • Save you a lot of time & resources
  • Book more demos, close more sales & increase revenue

LeadGrabber Pro is the most cost-effective solution for sales prospecting & you will not hate sales prospecting anymore but get addicted to it!

Download Your FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts FREE!

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn URL or ID of your Prospects in less than 60 Seconds!

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn URL or ID of your Prospects in less than 60 Seconds!

Prospect research is inevitable if you want to succeed in your email marketing campaigns. There is no better place than LinkedIn to research on your prospects. In order to do that, you need to first find LinkedIn ID of your prospects. This blog post will help you to learn why you need to find LinkedIn ID and how to find someone’s LinkedIn URL or ID with name and company name in no time.

Find LinkedIn URL of your Prospects in a Click!

Try for Free!

Why you should Find LinkedIn ID of your Prospects

Let’s say, you have a list of prospects who you think might be your ideal customers. Sending an email or calling your prospects without having any idea about them or their business wouldn’t yield you the desired results.

On the other hand, if you have the LinkedIn IDs of your prospects, you can go through their profile, know more about their interests, what they are responsible for, understand their business, look for something in common, get some talking points and so on. This information will not only help you to tailor your messaging or sales pitch based on your prospects but also help you to connect with your prospects immediately and ease your conversation. It will also help your prospects to see you as a well-informed salesperson who can offer the best possible solutions to grow their business. Therefore, it is vital that you find LinkedIn IDs of your prospects.   

How to Find LinkedIn URL (Manually)

How to Find LinkedIn URL

How to find LinkedIn URL of your prospects, especially when you have hundreds of prospects on your list? One way is to find LinkedIn URLs by manually searching them by name and company on LinkedIn. But it takes a lot of time and effort on your part which you can otherwise use for tasks that need your utmost attention. If you’re having trouble finding someone’s LinkedIn URL using the methods mentioned above, you can also try using a LinkedIn URL finder tool such as LeadGrabber Pro. LeadGrabber Pro helps you to instantly find LinkedIn profile URL or ID of your targeted prospects based on name and company.  

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn Profile URL in a Click!

LeadGrabber Pro enables you to find LinkedIn profile URLs or LinkedIn IDs of your prospects in a click. The LinkedIn URL finder tool helps you to find LinkedIn Profile IDs of hundreds of prospects in no time. You need to just provide the name & company. 

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn Profile URL in 3 Simple Steps:

  1. Import or Copy-Paste the prospect list with name & company into LeadGrabber Pro.
  2. Select the records and click the Append LinkedIn ID button.
  3. Once the LinkedIn Profile IDs are appended, export the list (Try for Free) to CSV/Excel with a click.

If you have prospect lists without LinkedIn profile URLs in your CRM, you can instantly import them into LeadGrabber Pro, get LinkedIn profile URLs, and then export the list to your CRM. You can seamlessly transfer your prospect lists into Salesforce, Act!, Excel, Outlook, etc.

How to Find LinkedIn ID: How LeadGrabber Pro works?

LeadGrabber Pro is an automated, expert-level, Internet research tool that searches public documents and search engines to find LinkedIn URL in less than 60 seconds (Try for Free). The LinkedIn profile URL finder instantaneously performs real-time live research, so that all the data is correct and updated. The LinkedIn profile finder does not refer to any pre-built database, because those databases decay at the rate of ~2% a month.

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn URL if a person no longer works in the same company?

LeadGrabber is able to get LinkedIn profile URL even if a person has moved to another company. The LinkedIn profile finder highlights that record with a different color to indicate you that the person has moved companies. 

Can I get the updated business email address and phone number of the person who moved companies?

Yes, LeadGrabber Pro gets you the updated business email addresses & phone numbers of persons who have moved companies. You need to select those records and click Append Email and Phone button. With a click of a button, LeadGrabber Pro appends verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your prospects.

How to Get LinkedIn ID – Can I try a few samples to see if it works for me?

Yes, you can. Fill up this form to get access to the fully functional free trial. We will get back to you with a free demo. Just make sure to tell us that you are looking to figure out How to find LinkedIn ID when we call you.

Download Now & Get LinkedIn Profile URLs of your Prospects in no Time!

Proven Sales Prospecting Techniques for SDRs to Book More Meetings

Proven Sales Prospecting Techniques for SDRs to Book More Meetings

To find your ideal target audience, make a contact with them and convert them into a sale, sales prospecting is important. There are a lot of ways to do sales prospecting, but it is hard to determine which method brings the best possible outcome and can be employed in the marketing process.

Some of the top most popular channels for sales prospecting are:

Outbound prospecting
Cold calls and cold emails are the two top-rated methods for prospecting and keeping your sales pipeline full.

Social Media
Social media gives marketers like us unmatched access to our audience. LinkedIn is an excellent option to connect with either the B2B market.

Inbound prospecting
when done right, inbound marketing and sales prospecting tactics can improve your marketing outcomes without any ongoing investment.

Typically going through a set of phases like 1) Lead qualification 2) Reaching decision-makers 3) The product demo 4)Demo summary and 5) Closing a deal comprises the sales prospecting process. The above is a default process for prospecting regardless of how the sale pipeline looks like.

sales prospecting methods

Proven Sales Prospecting Methods to Book More Meetings

Now that we’ve seen some of the popular channels and the sales prospecting process, we’d like to share the 4 best techniques for improving your prospecting process and book more meetings. Many of these methods are tried and tested by our consistently top-performing sales reps, and for good reason.

Finding your Prospect’s Coworker Emails

Our SDRs get their prospects’ coworker emails. Using coworker emails, they can reach multiple contacts in the same company, increase engagement rates and increase the chances of sales conversions by 5x. Our SDRs use our flagship software LeadGrabber Pro – a LinkedIn sales prospecting tool to find hundreds of coworker emails & company emails. Here’s how to leverage coworkers’ emails and increase sales opportunities.

Finds New Prospects Invisible to List Buyers

Our SDRs use Live social media search filters that enable them to find recently promoted & hired decision-makers, not available through list builders whose list is 6+ months old. LeadGrabber Pro also helps our sales development reps quickly build targeted prospect lists and acquire new clients.

Find Companies in Growth Mode

Prospecting on a random list of companies that are barely surviving not only wastes your SDRs’ time but their efforts and your budget as well. Here are ways your SDRs can build a list of CEOs/VPs in companies that are hiring and growing:

Sales Navigator has a “Job Opportunities” filter that is barely visible. It will show you only companies currently hiring on LinkedIn. The “Job Opportunities” filter is visible only when you click on the Accounts tab and then “View all filters.” It is in the last row. Once you shortlist companies that are hiring, you can click on the “View Current Employees” filter and select C-Level to see a list of CXOs that are hiring currently.

  • Visit Job boards like Indeed to search for types of jobs that your ideal prospects would be hiring.
  • Go through the Job postings and build a list of companies that are hiring.
  • Paste the hiring companies into LinkedIn, and find CXOs/VPs you want to target.

JobGrabber automates the entire process of building prospect lists from job boards.

Targeting LinkedIn Likes

“LinkedIn LIKES” marketing is one successful sales prospecting method that is used by our sales team to generate new sales leads. It helped them to personalize emails and calls effectively, generating targeted sales leads and getting great results.  

What is ‘LinkedIn Likes’ Marketing?

LinkedIn is the only professional network that gives precise data about user interests and activities. ‘LinkedIn LIKES’ marketing helps you to find your prospect’s interests and also find prospects with similar interests. If used effectively, it can become a powerful sales prospecting method especially for people who use LinkedIn for sales prospecting.  Learn more about How to use LinkedIn Likes to Build your Email List.

If you want to try the above sales prospecting techniques using the automated sales prospecting tool, fill in the form below and we will get back to you with a live demo.