Sales Prospecting on LinkedIn: Expert Tips to Boost Sales Conversions
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Sales prospecting is an important process of obtaining new customers for your business. Sales teams are constantly finding new ways to reach their ideal customers. Though there are a lot of other places to prospect from, LinkedIn appears to a be an appropriate platform for finding and researching potential buyers. With over 740 million members worldwide, LinkedIn provides an unparalleled platform for sales prospecting. Sales prospecting on LinkedIn can revolutionize your prospecting game. This blog post will help you uncover the secrets of successful sales prospecting on LinkedIn.
Let’s see some of the expert tips for sales prospecting on LinkedIn, that enables you to boost sales conversions.
#1 LinkedIn Prospecting Tool to Generate Potential Sales Leads
Secrets for Successful Sales Prospecting on LinkedIn
LinkedIn Groups:
LI groups are one of the best places to consistently generate new targeted sales leads. LinkedIn Groups help you to find your target audience that matches your ideal customer profile and also enable you to target prospects that aren’t your connections. You can find hundreds and thousands of like-minded professionals, all in one group.
By leveraging LinkedIn groups, you can engage with your audience effectively. There are millions of LinkedIn groups. This shows the vast potential that businesses can leverage them to generate B2B sales leads. Here are 7 Proven Tips on How to Generate Leads from LinkedIn Groups that will help you leverage LinkedIn for B2B sales lead generation.
LinkedIn Likes:
LinkedIn Likes marketing is a successful lead generation method that is used to generate new sales leads. LinkedIn Likes marketing helps you generate targeted leads and create a personalized email campaign. Here’s how to leverage LinkedIn Likes for B2B lead generation.
People who changed jobs recently:
People who moved to a new company are likely to be your new best prospects. They have 2x-3x higher chances of engagement than a new cold lead. They are large in numbers as 20-25% of the employees change jobs every year. And they are often more influential as they move to a higher or more influential role/position.
LinkedIn makes it easy to find who moved and to where. The new LinkedIn search can help you find companies your existing customers are moving to. Just enter name of customer & company and select it “Past” in company option – and do a search. Through this process, You will find where people from your existing customers are moving to. Copy the new name-title-company & add it as new referral- user lead for your sales people to follow-up and close. These leads will statistically have the shortest lead time.
Speed up Prospecting on LinkedIn, Increase Demos & Sales
Leverage Coworkers Emails & Increase Sales Opportunities:
Though decision makers take the final call on purchasing your product or service, there are more than one or two people who are involved in influencing the decision-making process. It means that in addition to the prospect, you need to reach out to multiple coworkers of your prospect to increase engagement rates and chances to win sales revenue.
How to get coworkers emails of your prospects? It requires a lot of time, research and effort to pull out the coworker emails from various sources on the Internet.
If you want to find coworker emails of your prospects, based on the company size, you will have to manually find hundreds of emails. This is for one company and if you have a list of 500 companies, imagine how much time and effort is required to find the coworker email addresses. This is where a B2B prospecting tool such as LeadGrabber Pro comes in handy.
LeadGrabber Pro is a powerful sales prospecting tool that not only helps you to find your ideal prospects on LinkedIn, append verified business email address & phone and reach them in no time but also finds you the coworker email addresses and company emails.
Coworker emails are real email IDs of actual people found on the Internet. You can leverage them to get more ways to reach decision makers in your target company.
LeadGrabber Pro’s built-in email appending technology helps you to easily & effortlessly perform real-time contact research on the Internet and gets you the coworker emails & company emails for FREE.
Yes, you read that right. You only pay to get your prospects’ email address but you get hundreds of coworker emails & company emails free of cost.
For example, if you find emails for 100 prospects, you might get 300 to 500 coworker emails and around 70+ company emails additionally. So you get around 600+ emails more and suddenly, you get multiple opportunities to reach multiple contacts from the same company. It increases your chance of engagement & sale by 2x-5x.
Here are some Effective Ways to Leverage Coworker emails.
LeadGrabber Pro is the best tool for list building as it automates all of the above workflows. It helps you speed up sales prospecting on LinkedIn. If you like to leverage any of the above sales prospecting methods and automate the process, then fill in the form below to download LeadGrabber Pro now!