Mastering 1st Encounter on Sales Calls

Mastering 1st Encounter on Sales Calls

You’ve probably heard that you never get a second chance to make a great first impression. It takes just 3-5 seconds for someone to form an opinion of you, and that opinion of you remains constant throughout all future interactions with prospects and customers. Is that unfair? Well it might be, but unfortunately that’s just how the world works.

In today’s fast-paced business world, mastering the first impression you give to others should be your top priority. There’s simply too much at stake to risk making the wrong first impression. What you say and how you speak to people contributes greatly to the first impression you give. One misspoken word is all it takes to hurt your chances of success. On the other hand, mastering the first impression you give to others will open doors to new opportunity, and will put you in control of your destiny.

Mastering First Impressions will help you:

  • Turn prospective customers into buyers with ease
  • Close bigger deals
  • Make a favorable impression in any situation
  • Express yourself with more clarity
  • Increase your ‘self worth’
  • Expand your professional network
  • Have more power in negotiations

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