How to Get prospects on LinkedIn to callback

How to Get prospects on LinkedIn to callback

Prospects on LinkedIn – I’m lucky to be working with some remarkable people who push the boundaries of prospecting.

LinkedIn’s new InMail Policy allows you to send only 15 messages for free per month. For those who know how to send InMails for free via Groups, this was a HUGE setback.
But not for my colleague Matt.

Matt is our sales development rep and has a reputation for setting a consistent number of demos, no matter what. So when this new LinkedIn InMail policy came up, instead of spending a bundle on InMail, he just changed tactics.

The result: his numbers didn’t even take a dent.

Here’s his two step formula that worked…

1. Just by changing LinkedIn Headline, he attracted InBound Inquiries

Matt knows the pulse of our ideal customer. He’s figured out how to find that prospect on LinkedIn.

  • He changed his LinkedIn headline to something that would be of interest to prospects.
  • He searched LinkedIn for those prospects & opened profiles
  • This generated LinkedIn notifications on prospect’s “Who visited your profile” section
  •  A small percentage of prospects visit his profile and ask him for demo every week

2. Sent outbound email to business email address

For those prospects who did not react to Matt’s profile visit, he got their email address using eMail Prospector and sent an outbound email to their business email address.

He used this most effectively on LinkedIn Group members. He could now contact just about anyone in his network.

Getting Direct business email address made easy

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Here’s a video demo of eMail-Prospector, for you to see it live.

and here’s how to use eMail-Prospector

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