eGrabber Hack: 3 more ways to get past Google CAPTCHA blocks

eGrabber Hack: 3 more ways to get past Google CAPTCHA blocks

How often is your Google search blocked by CAPTCHA?


If you search Google extensively on a daily basis, you would encounter it quite frequently.

Internet researchers, online sourcing experts & marketing pros who use Google to search prospects and candidate profiles face this puzzle challenge thrown by Google.

One of the ways I wrote about in the past to get around this challenge was to use a secured Google search, in this blog post But since then, if you have signed into Google in your browser, all searches are secured anyways, and that does not work any more.

Here are 3 alternate ways to get past Google CAPTCHA blocks.

1. Use Google enhanced search engines

Search engines that are powered or enhanced by Google such as and can help you get almost the same results as you would normally get from Google.


The image below shows search results from AOL & Google displaying almost similar results for the keyword “Java programmer resumes”


2. Use alternate search engines

You might be already using Bing has a lot of advantages that can come handy for sourcing experts and recruiters.

Search engines such as enables you to search selectively – remove or include top 100 sites, 1000 sites, 10k sites, 100k sites, million sites in your search.



3. Use metasearch engines

Metasearch engines are search tools that send user requests to several other search engines or databases and groups the results together into a single list or displays the results according to their source.

Some of the metasearch engines are, WebCrawler, etc. and you can get some more here.


UPDATE! 4. Use Google Custom Search Engines

Captcha’s seem to leave these search engines alone… for now. These search engines have all the goodness of a Google search, and may have a few more filters which may work for you. Here’s a good resource with a few of these search engines: BooleanStrings blog post.
PS: In case you need tools to build candidate pipelines from Google and other search engines, we have them.

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